Cowles Library will offer a workshop this semester where you can learn more about RefWorks. RefWorks automates the tasks of citing information & creating bibliographies for research papers. It allows you to create your own citations or import citations from research databases. Users can automatically insert references from RefWorks into their papers and generate formatted bibliographies in seconds. This workshop will be offered twice this semester: Monday, November 28 at 3 p.m. and Wednesday, December 7 at 4 p.m.
This workshop will cover the basic functions of RefWorks, including the new features added this fall. You will learn how to import and export citations from library databases, how to create bibliographies in seconds, how to organize sources in folders and subfolders, and how to manually create references. RefWorks novices and current users are welcome. Holding this workshop in the electronic classroom will allow users to practice using RefWorks.
This workshop is open to students, faculty and staff. Because space is limited in each session, registration is required. You may register for the November 28th session or the December 7th session. If you have specific RefWorks questions or would like to work one-on-one with a librarian, please contact Carrie Dunham-LaGree at or (515) 271-2175. This workshop will also be offered during the spring semester. Look for more information on dates in January.
For more information on RefWorks, please take a look at our post on RefWorks 2.0.
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