Cowles Index

Number of views of the pharmacy research guide in 2012: 63,623

Number of Interlibrary Loan & GetItNow requests in November 2012: 1,500

Increase in Cowles Library’s Twitter followers October – December 2012: 50

Percent of the browsing collection that is checked out at any given time: 50

Visits to the Library web site in November 2012: 25,865

Page Views in the same period: 52,389

Number of times SuperSearch used during fall semester:  35,398

Number of full-text articles retrieved through SuperSearch in the same period: 44,938

Academic Search Complete full text retrievals in 2012: 74,607

% increase from 2011: 7%

PsycArticles full-text retrievals in 2012: 11,406

% increase from 2011: 9%

Entries into the Library, Fall 2012: 116,262

Number of titles in Cowles Library’s collections that are owned by fewer than five other US libraries and have not been digitized: 1,514

Number of titles in our collection that are not held by any other Iowa Library: 28,062

Number of titles in our Drake University Faculty Publications collection: 621