Database News & Notes
Reference Universe is a database of article titles, keywords, and index terms from a core collection of reference materials such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and almanacs.
It is designed to assist in finding the most relevant and authoritative reference works to begin or expand your research; a great tool when looking for background information or a topic overview.
In many cases, Reference Universe will link to the index of print works; there are links to the Library catalog so you may determine the call number of the print item in those instances.
Drake purchased the Web of Science database two years ago. This summer we’ve added significantly to it by adding the entire suite of resources that Web of Knowledge offers.
Web of Knowledge is the premier research platform in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It provides access and integration across the multiple databases it covers: Books, Data, Conference Proceedings, Patents, Zoo Records, etc. In addition, we’ve added the Biosis Citation Index. The Biosis Citation Index is considered to be the most comprehensive index for international life sciences content, and it includes cited references.
E-books with a difference! SpringerLink
Springer ebooks are available to unlimited concurrent usage and can be read with any e-reader. If a whole class or the entire university needs access at the same time – it’s no problem.
Users may print/save as many pages as needed as well as using them in course packets or on a course website. No additional permission is needed.
In addition, “MyCopy” is available for users wishing to purchase a black and white, soft-cover copy of any of the ebooks owned by Drake. Cost for “MyCopy” is $24.99 per title, regardless of the original book price. Any faculty or student can purchase a “MyCopy” (no shipping charge) and have it mailed direct to their address.